Ants as role models
415 viewsOn this day, many many years back, I appeared before a panel of interviewers. I was being considered for recruitment as Management trainee. All went well – or so I thought – until one of the panelists, a young chap of no more than 28, asked what I would rather be between an ant, a lion and an elephant.
I considered the question for a brief a moment and answered confidently that I would prefer to be a lion. It was a goof.
Why was my answer a goof? It was a goof because I didn’t consider the question in the context of the position I was being considered – a management trainee. Nor did I consider it in the context of the business model. It was a financial services company.
Later on, after the interview, the young chap took me aside and dutifully lectured me on why my answer would have been spot on if I had preferred to be an ant. I went home determined to learn everything I could about ants and to get the answer right next time if such question ever popped up again.
Now, you might want to ask what is so special about ants? You would think they are a most unlikely teaching source, right? Wrong! See what I found out about ants.
Ants are self-motivated
Ants display an astonishing degree of self-motivation and the ability to achieve stellar results without any obvious form of supervision. Everyone seems to know exactly what needs to be done and they just get on with it, with total focus.
Ants seize opportunities
Try leaving a crumb of bread or a piece of meat on the floor and watch what happens next. Within seconds ants would surround it. Now, most people see an opportunity staring them in the face without recognizing it. Not ants.
Ants plan for the future
Ants don’t rest even at a time food is plentiful; instead they store up food against a time of scarcity. They also usually build their nest during the wet season so as to have a solid shelter during the dry season. We must plan ahead and be prepared for the future.
Ants work hard
Laziness will lead to poverty, with precious few exceptions. Ants work hard today for a brighter tomorrow. They have a sense of purpose, focused, diligent, always prepared and of course, work hardwork!
Ants are optimists
Ants are never intimidated by the size of the task before them. They are ever optimistic and positive that they can accomplish their task no matter what. And they usually do. They persevere to the end and make sure that they get the job done
Ants are team players
Ants always work as a team. That way, they are able to achieve greater heights. They never leave their members alone when carrying huge objects, they help one other, making it possible for them to achieve their goals.
Ants are highly organized and cohesive
Ants are organized such that even when there are so many of them carrying a single object, they move in the same direction. This enables them to accomplish their task no matter how big it might be
Ants save for future
Ants don’t just eat what they capture on the spot. They save a part of it for the rainy day. They always carry their food to their colony and save up for the rainy day
Now, as humans we have a lot to learn from ants. We would be mightily blessed if we could cultivate the attitude of ants in whatever we do. There is a reason God made the ants to cohabit this earth with us. Ants have no commander, no supervisor, no ruler superintending over them. Yet they are cohesive and get their tasks accomplished. Why? Because individually they have a great sense of self-discipline. Ants are a veritable learning source.